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الكونجرس الامريكى ودراما سقف الدين - أحمد زايد

بداية الحكاية  منذ عقد تقريبا سمح الكونجرس الامريكى بإنفاق تريليونات الدولارات مما ادى لتضاعف ديون الولايات المتحدة خلال تلك الفترة ، قام الكونجرس بفرض ما يعرف باسم سقف الدين  وقد رفع سقف الدين آخر مرة بمقدار 2.5 تريليون دولار في ديسمبر 2021 ليصل إلى ما يقرب من 31.4 تريليونا. اثار موضوع سقف الدين الامريكى جدلا كبيرا خلال 2023 فى عهد الرئيس جو بايدن .  استخدم بعض المشرعين الذين ينتقدون الديون الامريكية المفاوضات بشأن تعديل الحد لمحاولة  تقليل الانفاق حيث حذر الاقتصاديون من عواقب كارثية إذا لم تعد الخزانة  الامريكية قادرة على سداد الديون. في يناير 2023 ، بلغ إجمالي الدين الامريكى  31.4 تريليون دولار.حيث  تعاني الحكومة الأمريكية من عجز يبلغ متوسطه حوالي تريليون دولار كل عام منذ عام 2001 ، مما يعني أنها تنفق أموالًا أكثر بكثير مما تحصل عليه من الضرائب والإيرادات الأخرى. أصل المشكلة  عندما يطالب الكونجرس الامريكى برفع سقف الديون فان ذلك لا يمثل التزاما ماليا للولايات المتحدة الامريكية حيث يتم تشريع قرارات إنفاق الأموال بشكل منفصل ، وموافقة الاغلبية من...

Much ‎Meaning ‎abou ‎t ‎our ‎life.

I'm suspicious of those things where more should always be better. Nature likes moderation and when you get too much of them, good stuff will damage you. It's good to Drink more water. Too much and you're going to drown
I think 'meaning' is one of those things that's usually good, but when there's too much of it that can cause you problems.
What  is Meaning ?
That is a slippery word, so it's hard to be clear that we use it the same way. We all know, though, when a person, thing, goal or idea feels meaningful to us and when those same things feel ordinary to us. There is meaning to the difference.
Besides being a thought, sense is an concept too. When someone asks you what it means, they ask that you explain it in words
They want its definition, its causes or its probable implications. Meanings are words and thoughts in your mind which you put together.

Additional sense is tendentially stronger. Usually (albeit perhaps not always) a complete absence of meaning feels awful. In the logical context, a lack of interpretation is likewise misunderstanding and ignorance. We would rather ask what things mean and believe it, than just shrug our shoulders and ask, "I do not."
How Can You Have Too Much Meaning?
Firstly, you may feel too strongly about something 's significance. When something is so important to us we have all had anxiety and fears that we are unable to function. The friendship you wanted to carry going even though the other person was not in love with you. The work the meant everything to you  until you got killed. You retained this belief tightly, until it began to unrave
Feelings are tools to the mind. They put our minds in a state which makes it easier for certain ideas, actions and thoughts to flow than others. To allow some ideas to flow more easily, however, that must automatically mean that you're blocking others. Therefore, the sense of meaning can be useful in some ways and harmful in others, just like wrath, terror, hope, happiness, affection, sadness and everything.
The second way you can have too much significance is that of the intellectual idea of meaning. If you have a strong set of ideas about what something means, either in terms of its definition, explanation or implied effects, this can "lock" you into some way of looking at things. Too much meaning can prevent you from seeing something else, and other perspectives might be needed to resolve it.
How to Tell if You Have Too Much Meaning?
I think the anxiety and uncertainty that we sometimes experience in our everyday lives is a product of too much, rather than too little, context. It's a combination of a clear sense of purpose, and a perceived loss of power.
You may feel like the world is getting crazy if you follow politics, and the fights over who is running the country and what policies they are implementing are extremely important. Yet at the same time, you may feel almost powerless to control the outcome.
Similarly, there may be situations in your personal life where you can't do much more to overcome a problem but you can't stop thinking about it. While people don't often see their anxieties and fears as a result of an excess of meaning, it follows that this is the case because if you didn't really feel the situation was significant you wouldn't worry about it.
Intellectually an abundance of sense may contribute to an overly rigid and predetermined way of seeing the world. Your thoughts, theories and logic about the universe are so strong that when you come across problems that make little sense to you, you get lost.
Should You Take Time to “Relax” Your Meaning of Life?
I think the meanings are an important part of living life well, especially the intense ones. Don't misunderstand what I'm saying that we should all live nihilistically.
Rather, I think what's needed is to be able to momentarily "relax" the meanings in life from time to time. This relaxation may be necessary to get out of the ruts where you are frustrated with your current way of viewing the situation and can't let you live your best life.
These relaxations of significance may be related to specific situations ( i.e. how you think about your future career) or it may be more global (i.e. should you find any meaning in ambition?).
I also suspect that there is no perfect state of meaning, no eternal point of view which is going to be good for everything. Relaxation of meaning is therefore likely a necessary adjustment that needs to be done every once in a while. The new meanings you get to may not be better (in an absolute sense) than those with which you went, but they may help you to see obstacles that prevent you from living a good life.
