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الكونجرس الامريكى ودراما سقف الدين - أحمد زايد

بداية الحكاية  منذ عقد تقريبا سمح الكونجرس الامريكى بإنفاق تريليونات الدولارات مما ادى لتضاعف ديون الولايات المتحدة خلال تلك الفترة ، قام الكونجرس بفرض ما يعرف باسم سقف الدين  وقد رفع سقف الدين آخر مرة بمقدار 2.5 تريليون دولار في ديسمبر 2021 ليصل إلى ما يقرب من 31.4 تريليونا. اثار موضوع سقف الدين الامريكى جدلا كبيرا خلال 2023 فى عهد الرئيس جو بايدن .  استخدم بعض المشرعين الذين ينتقدون الديون الامريكية المفاوضات بشأن تعديل الحد لمحاولة  تقليل الانفاق حيث حذر الاقتصاديون من عواقب كارثية إذا لم تعد الخزانة  الامريكية قادرة على سداد الديون. في يناير 2023 ، بلغ إجمالي الدين الامريكى  31.4 تريليون دولار.حيث  تعاني الحكومة الأمريكية من عجز يبلغ متوسطه حوالي تريليون دولار كل عام منذ عام 2001 ، مما يعني أنها تنفق أموالًا أكثر بكثير مما تحصل عليه من الضرائب والإيرادات الأخرى. أصل المشكلة  عندما يطالب الكونجرس الامريكى برفع سقف الديون فان ذلك لا يمثل التزاما ماليا للولايات المتحدة الامريكية حيث يتم تشريع قرارات إنفاق الأموال بشكل منفصل ، وموافقة الاغلبية من...

The Evolution of Internet Networks, From cables to Li-Fi and Starlink

By :- Mostafa Amin
The internet at its beginnings at 1960s was a military communicating network in 
US called “ARPANET” (the Advanced Research Project Agency Network). By 
the time companies, universities and even normal people could have access to the 
internet. It was very difficult to search for information on the internet until Tim 
Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web (WWW) which is now the most 
common mean for accessing data and information online on the form of websites 
and hyperlinks. To connect and have access to the internet, you needed cables 
connected to your computers. Until the invention of wireless networks came.
In 1999 several companies came together to develop a wireless network to 
transmit data and provide internet. it was announced in 2000 as Wi-Fi alliance. 
Wi-Fi wireless network depends on the idea of radio waves, like cell-phones and 
other devices that we use in our daily life. a transmitter that transmits waves, and a receiver that receives this radio waves. That creates a network that provide the 
internet within 20 to 50 meters. Instead of these wires connected to your device,
you could move with your laptop with no wires attached to it. It was like magic
then. Nowadays, most of us use Wi-Fi as the method to access the internet and to 
transfer data.
Like everything Wi-Fi also has disadvantage. it tends to be unsecure for its wide 
range allow others within this range to access the network, even if it’s protected 
by a password some people try to hack it and gain access to the network. Also, 
Wi-Fi signals can be unreliable, as the radio frequency can be affected by external 
factors which provide slower service. In addition Wi-Fi connection is slower than 
wired connection, its speed ranged from 1 mb/s to 54 mb/s while wired 
connection provide speed up to 100 mb/s or even higher.
Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) is a technology that takes advantage of the visible light of 
LED bulbs instead of radio waves to create a wireless network for data 
transmission and providing internet. It has many advantages.
• It is efficient as the LED bulbs can make the user consume less energy as 
Li-Fi only require a working LED light. 
• High speed, it can be up to 100 times faster than Wi-Fi as the light moves 
at extremely fast speeds. 
• It is secure as it’s ranged in about 10 meters and the light can’t go through 
walls, that means as long as you are in a closed room no one can access 
your network. 
• It can be used in airlines, undersea explorations, operation theaters in the 
hospitals, besides providing internet.Disadvantage:
• It is in its introductory stage therefore it needs more time to improve the 
drawbacks in its infrastructure.
• As it depends on light to create the wireless network, the light bulb need 
to be on to continue providing the internet. This can be solved by dimming 
the light to levels that seem to the human eye turned of but still providing 
the connection.
• Photodiodes can pick up light from other resources other than the 
transmitter which cause noise and disruption in the network. This 
problem could be solved by installing an optical filter so that the 
photodiode only pick up light from the transmitter.
• The short range of its network, it operates within 10 meters. Therefore,
the user have to stay within this range. This could be solved by setting
multiple Li-Fi devices in a large space.
As the consumption of wireless networks increase every year by 60%, the radio 
waves of Wi-Fi becomes slower. Therefore, another speed network is needed, Li￾Fi is expected to be that speed network. Li-Fi companies are working hard to 
satisfy the demand of high internet speed and be the future of internet. it is 
expected to be released to the public by 2022. 
Starlink is a space x project that provide internet access anywhere around the 
globe via satellites at very high speed that could reach 1 GB/s. it’s planned that 
its service reach north US and Canada in 2020 and the rest of the globe in 2021.
The internet and the telecommunication world is evolving every day with an 
incredible manner to reach things that we couldn’t even imagine. What else would 
the humanity achieve at the future?
