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الكونجرس الامريكى ودراما سقف الدين - أحمد زايد

بداية الحكاية  منذ عقد تقريبا سمح الكونجرس الامريكى بإنفاق تريليونات الدولارات مما ادى لتضاعف ديون الولايات المتحدة خلال تلك الفترة ، قام الكونجرس بفرض ما يعرف باسم سقف الدين  وقد رفع سقف الدين آخر مرة بمقدار 2.5 تريليون دولار في ديسمبر 2021 ليصل إلى ما يقرب من 31.4 تريليونا. اثار موضوع سقف الدين الامريكى جدلا كبيرا خلال 2023 فى عهد الرئيس جو بايدن .  استخدم بعض المشرعين الذين ينتقدون الديون الامريكية المفاوضات بشأن تعديل الحد لمحاولة  تقليل الانفاق حيث حذر الاقتصاديون من عواقب كارثية إذا لم تعد الخزانة  الامريكية قادرة على سداد الديون. في يناير 2023 ، بلغ إجمالي الدين الامريكى  31.4 تريليون دولار.حيث  تعاني الحكومة الأمريكية من عجز يبلغ متوسطه حوالي تريليون دولار كل عام منذ عام 2001 ، مما يعني أنها تنفق أموالًا أكثر بكثير مما تحصل عليه من الضرائب والإيرادات الأخرى. أصل المشكلة  عندما يطالب الكونجرس الامريكى برفع سقف الديون فان ذلك لا يمثل التزاما ماليا للولايات المتحدة الامريكية حيث يتم تشريع قرارات إنفاق الأموال بشكل منفصل ، وموافقة الاغلبية من...

Jordan Peterson: Psychology versus feminism

In Canada, that quiet country, an academic lives whose name invokes a lot of enthusiasm, discontent and controversy.  This is Gordan Peterson, professor of psychology at the University of Toronto, and a very popular YouTube lecturer, with close to two million followers on his channel on the site. In any list of the most influential intellectuals in the West today, Peterson will be in the foreground if the summit is not occupied. The serious style and crucial wisdom in his spell gives a lot of frozen people who face the liquidity of the contemporary world. It discusses almost everything from psychology and female down to the philosophy of ethics and politics, with strict tone Peterson also tries to explain the horrors of the tyrannical regimes of the twentieth century, and to build an ethical system based on biblical / Christian myths that believe in their universality through cultures, and their permanence through the age
Treatment for chaos.
Peterson's moral speech is perhaps the most important reason for his popularity, giving his followers practical advice to help themselves.  Advice that touches their daily lives and gives them "value".  Peterson invokes a philosophical tradition in which he speaks / to man directly, without delving into the social, economic and political structures and their complexities.  People are satisfied, as he says from the very general "rights" discourse, and from here he sets out to sharpen responsibility in the souls, believing in the lack of distinction between self, family and social anarchy, based on the fact that "the smallest facts (the way of living) are what reflect the facts of people, not the big slogans or  Their exaggerated moral duties. ”
Peterson acknowledges that suffering is the immutable truth of life, and that pain is the primary existential truth, stressing that the "meaning" resulting from "responsibility" is sufficient to adapt to that cruel life, not "nihilism" (here he quotes Nietzsche repeatedly).  Therefore, meaning represents an instinct that gives indications of the right path to individual life, while nihilism (unlike common) does not represent a complete loss of meaning, but carries with it faith in the negative meaning of life, and he thinks that he possesses the magic solution represented in the positive meaning of life, that is, "responsibility"  It stems from honesty against lying, which is a distortion of the human relationship with reality and, consequently, the human psychological state.  Life is difficult, stubborn, which does not recognize the weak and chaotic, while some prefer to confront it with the cynical nihilism that "destroys happiness but does not destroy tragedy."

 Issues of chaos and order hold a central place in Peterson's ideas, with the title of his second book "12 Bases of Life: A Cure for Chaos", a mixture of psychological education aimed at developing personality and performance (in a manner close to human development) and philosophy of unordered ethics, in which Peterson is based entirely on  His perceptions of responsibility, and his interpretative model of the world as a workplace (Peterson described this model in his first complex book, "Maps of Meaning").

 Peterson also relies on his trinity of father, mother and son, so that the father represents the soul and the wisdom of the ancestors and culture (where the legend sits on top), while the mother represents the undiscovered land of the creative and destructive human nature, while the son is the average between the father and mother: the divine heroism present in creativity  The word and the instinct of destruction.

 Peterson believes that Western civilization is based on "the morals of the individual" who possesses a fundamental value that lies in the recognition of his ability to "generate order" from chaos.  This value is implanted in the founding mythology of the West, that is, in the Judeo-Christian heritage.  Here Peterson shows his influence with Karl Young, the "Gnostic" psychoanalyst who believed in ancient myths deep in the depths of the modern world and counted them as the psychological basis of morality.

 Peterson therefore draws on Jung's conception of "early models" or "ideals" in Plato's language, which represent universal instinctive models of ideas and values, and can be dealt with as "psychological devices" that control the work of motives and the formation of the individual's deep moral inside, where the myth is on top of the pyramid of models.  Thus at the top of the pyramid of morals, where "virtue", "righteousness", or "efficacy" means that there is a slight possibility for the individual to engage in evil deeds, just as it also means that a person seeks something transcendent and separated.
Peterson's proposed treatment has two basic points:

 1. A structural structure for negotiation and discussion between people based on rules, the ability to anticipate problems, and the routine (and therefore responsibility) that governs an individual's life.

 2. Being able to confront developments and take control decisively by changing rules flexibly.

 It attacks moral relativity on the basis of the possibility of altering rules, but not repealing them.  There is a "rule of law" that Peterson regards as "the cause of every human being in every age".

 The myth extends to Peterson's ideas about the atrocities of Stalinism and Nazism in the twentieth century (equating Nazism and communism with totalitarianism).  There is a "Cain", an angry, vengeful individual who is not responsible for his own existence and blaming him for those around him.  Cain believed that matters were fundamentally unfair, and thus he had no difficulty treating those around him without fairness or sympathy.  For Peterson, Cain somehow represents an ancestor of Hitler and Stalin, where the same hostility led them to commit atrocities using utopia as a cover, driven by the principle “If you think things are fundamentally unfair, then why would you treat anyone with pity or justice”.

 Peterson's summary of morality is that it is imperative to believe in a transcendent example, and to be convinced that every human being knows at least what is “not good”, and that “the rational white man” is the symbol of order, as opposed to “female chaos,” and that the male spirit must be resurrected to revive order  Within the community.


  1. The last paragraph might be broadly interpreted. He uses the ancient symbols of femininity and masculinity, not the current gender proposal of man and woman.

    "The rational white man"?, Really, that's disgusting. Unless "man" means the order and "white" means light.


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